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  Washington Kayak Club
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2024 Fall Survey Results - part 1

Published on 10/20/2024

The 2024 Fall Survey was published September 27 and closed October 13, 2024. Thank you everyone who took the time to participate! If you missed the chance to leave feedback this time, hopefully we’ll catch you on the next go around.


According to Club Express as of today, WKC has 609 active members and 447 memberships. The email announcement about the survey was successfully sent to approximately 320 email addresses and a link to the survey was provided on the homepage. There were 48 member respondents, so depending upon which figure you use, it equates to an 8%, 11%, or 15% response rate. Low figures? Yes, but historically 50-60 member responses to a survey is average.


Of the 48 respondents, 29 left comments — or 60%. The board will work on addressing members’ comments in more detail later, at which time the survey comments will be published. Here we’ll primarily discuss the answer summary.


Survey questions and answers:


1.  What are your primary interests? Choose as many as you like.


Kayak Ocean Surfing                                     5                      10%

Kayak Polo                                                     2                      4%

Pool Sessions                                                  22                    46%

Sea Kayaking                                                  14                    29%

Slalom, non-racing                                         9                      19%

Whitewater, non-racing                                  46                    96%

Whitewater, racing (downriver or slalom)     10                    21%


2. What changes might you like to see on the website?

3. Do you use the WKC website on your mobile device?

No                                                                   17                    35%

Yes                                                                  30                    63%


Comments: Some frustration with using the website on a mobile device was expressed, some said it was okay. Some members are satisfied with the website, but there was a theme that WKC needs to modernize its User Interface. There were comments about Club Express being antiquated.


Response: This is a complicated issue because of Club Express’s many features we haven’t been able to find elsewhere. We’ll have to get back to you on this.


Comment: The green whitewater trip font is difficult to see. Can it be changed?


Response: Yes, it can! It’s black now.


Comment: I used to be able to see the registrants. Can this feature be turned back on?


Response: Club Express gives the option of displaying the registrants to the person creating the event. If the registrants page is not available and you’d like to see it, or obtain a list of names of people registered, reach out to the event coordinator!


To find the registrants page, click on the new “people” icon on the top right of the event page. You probably need to be logged in.


Comment: The ability to contact others in the group was expressed as an interest, and the ability to learn about carpool options.


Response: Event coordinators can send a group email, but a participant cannot do so easily. When you’re on the registrants page, you can click on members’ names to obtain their contact information. But the information that’s made available by one member to other members is up to the individual member user.


Regarding carpool options for a specific trip, the best we can do is ask you to reach out to the event coordinator. Club Express does not offer this feature in its Event templates. We can and will suggest the idea, ask if it’s been considered or requested by other customers (Club Express serves more than clubs, they also serve HOAs, for example), but unless it has, they are not likely to add the feature.


4. Is the Google Maps interactive feature, when provided in the event location description, an important tool for you?

No                                                                   25                    52%

Yes                                                                  19                    40%


5. In the Event location description, would a static screen shot of a map of the exact meeting location serve you better than an interactive map, such as Google Maps?

No                                                                   24                    50%

Yes                                                                  16                    33%


Half of the respondents aren’t using maps.


Comment: One respondent expressed a high barrier to entry because of the lack of available information on logistics.


Response: It is true there is not a way for participants to easily email the group. Please reach out to the event coordinator if you’re unsure about logistics or have other questions. They’ll be happy to assist!


The interactive vs static map debate continues. There are pros and cons to each option.


6. Is it important to retain the ability to include non-members in club events?

No                                                                   12                    25%

Yes                                                                  35                    73%


7. Is it important to retain the ability to paddle class IV or higher whitewater?

No                                                                   18                    38%

Yes                                                                  30                    63%


8. Is it important to maintain the ability to hold “no fee” special events (Headhunt, Pride, Clean-ups, etc.)?

No                                                                   6                      13%

Yes                                                                  42                    88%


9. Is it important to retain the ability to paddle in Alaska, Canada, or Mexico?

No                                                                   29                    60%

Yes                                                                  16                    40%


The above answers speak for themselves, but something made clear in member comments is that WKC members are thoughtful, generous, and inclusive. More than one respondent expressed an interest in WKC doing more to improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This year, WKC budgeted a total of $200 for Diversify Whitewater. Of the $200, $170 was the value of donated gear, and $30 went toward the cost of one membership. The club has committed two free memberships for DW participants who will be taking the 2025 “Intro to Whitewater” course. Maybe there’s room to do more. It will be discussed, and we’ll let you know.


10. Last one! Please make suggestions, comment, and/or ask questions here.


Half of the members who left comments throughout the survey provided more thought at the end. WKC is appreciative to have member feedback. There is a lot to chew on, including the need to address insurance. We’ll be getting into the meat of your comments in the coming weeks.


Comments: Some folks would like to see more training and more programming.


Response: WKC would love the ability to expand its member benefits, but this requires volunteers, something of which the club is currently in short supply. If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out to any chairperson or board member.


Comment: I’d like to see board meeting minutes to improve club transparency.


Response: Members have access to board meeting minutes by going to:


Club info > Documents > Paddle Board > Paddle Board Minutes


The process of making minutes available for the membership requires acceptance of the minutes by the board. Board meetings are held virtually on the third Thursday of each month except for an annual recess, June - August. Members interested in attending a meeting may make a request of any board member.


In conclusion, there’s a lot for which we need to get back to you. And we will, but we hope this has been a helpful starting point. Thanks again for participating, your feedback is meaningful and much appreciated!


Happy Paddling,

Washington Kayak Club

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