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Membership FAQs

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How do I control which emails I receive from the club?
To get club emails, the box on a members contact page must be checked. This is accessed through personal profile.  By default it is checked.  If you uncheck the box then you will not receive any club emails.  That means you will  not get an email version of the newsletter, any notifications about upcoming trips, or any trip communications from a trip leader using the club email system.  

Emails also come from forums.   Some are set up so that all members get notices, such as the classifieds forums.  Members can opt out of these.  Others forums are more specialized and are (or should be) set up as opt in only.  Forum preferences can be changed in your Personal Profile settings.  Look under Forum Preferences and Forum Memberships.
How do I cancel an event registration
If you can't make it to an event that you have signed up for, you must contact the organizer or trip leader directly to tell them that you can't make it.  They can then take you off the roster.

Some events are set up with cancellations allowed, and alert members may have noticed that they can cancel using their Trip History in the Personal Profile.  If you do this, please also, in addition, contact the organizer, because this cancellation feature does not currently notify them automatically..  Trip leaders need to know who will and will not show up for their trip.

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