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  Washington Kayak Club
Fun and safe kayaking through trips, education, skill development, and conservation

River Trips & Events

Want to live at the MM Take-Out and get paid??
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Sorry, this is not really "River Trips & Events", but I cannot find better forums to post this.

If you are an old-timer, you may have paddled with Mike who lived at the take-out of the Middle Middle Snoqualmie (=the put-in for the Club Stretch). Or, you may have talked to his friendly wife Crystal after you took out. Sadly, Mike passed away last January, and their daughter Katy Archer is looking for some caregivers to stay with Crystal.

Here is Katy's message:

"I am trying to find round the clock care for my mom at her house (45200 SE Tanner Road North Bend). I'm figuring this would only be possible through a combination of caregivers-which may include sometime who is willing to be there at night time. My mom is still very fit, continent, and sleeps through the night. However, she cannot be alone at all due to her mid/advanced Alzheimer's. If anyone is interested, they can give me a call 425-444-6787. My email is:"

For more info, please directly contact Katy. Thank you!


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