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  Washington Kayak Club
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Sea Kayaking Discussion

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Boo, congratulations! Go get 'em girl!
Wish you were there too!  It would be fun to introduce you to Boo.  She is such a fun paddling buddy.  She is the same way with fishing, unicycling, crabbing - you name it.  Just a super fun kid who is really gung ho about fun stuff like that.  
You know with Jimmy's help she came darn close to doing her first roll on her first pool session?  Not too shabby!  Her boat wasn't even really setup for her yet.  
We got her Jackson Happy Feet all setup tonight - she had no idea how cool they were or what they were about.  
It was really good to see her in a boat her size, with a paddle her size, spray skirt her size, and a real PFD.  So jazzed.  Little kids like her seem to move so smooth across the water.  

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Discussion <> wrote:
Matt, you rock. Wish I were there to boat with you and Boo. Happy paddling!
Matt, you rock. Wish I were there to boat with you and Boo. Happy paddling!
The Tuesday night weekly Monroe YMCA Kayak Pool session launched tonight with 11 whitewater kayakers in the water.  Great start.

Make sure and thank Neill Mathes - the Aquatics Director - who hung out for the first one.  He has kayaked a bit himself and wants to do more.  

Thank to the folks who called the location to encourage this - because I heard that indeed you did.  
My only sadness is that I cannot go to this kayak session and the Marysville one as they are on the same night and there are a couple buddies I am missing out there already.  But it was great to have one close enough to take my youngest too.  "Boo" is 8 and has shown tremendous passion and fearlessness for kayaking - which she is known for in other adventure sports as well.  A WKC member responded to my want ad in the WKC classifieds forum, and hooked Boo up with her very own PINK kayak just in time for the first Monroe pool session.  So Boo is not gonna miss a beat this winter.  And ask Jimmy Nipper - she almost got a roll on her first pool session! 

I got word from the aquatics director at the Monroe YMCA that the pool sessions are currently "slated to start on Tuesday, December 1st from 8:30-9:30pm and will run every week on Tuesday evening’s from 8:30-9:30pm."
So Boo and other enthusiastic kayakers like her will not have to practice kayaking on cold rainy days at the nearby lake Tye anymore (not that she doesn't think that is still fun)!  HAA HAA  

As I get more details, I will share them.  I'm a little sad that this is on the same night as the one in Marysville - not sure if anything can be done about that.  But I am glad it is at least starting.  All I have read is a very brief email from Neill Matthes the acquatics director so I wish I had more details, but I wanted to get the word out about the slated start date - Tuesday December 1st.  I'll share more info as I get more info.

Hello kayakers - 
If you would like to see a pool practice session happen in Monroe Washington, they are on the verge of starting a pool session.  I've talked with them a couple times.  They almost started a class in September.  They have a highschool teacher doing a few kayak things there with some students now and then.  

I told them about another YMCA presently doing this and this sped things along - now they are contacting that other branch to get the details on closing all the gaps to make it happen.  

If you would like to cheerfully enthusiastically positively help this effort in any way here is the Monroe YMCA info:

14033 Fryelands Boulevard
Monroe WA 98272
360 805 1879
They have been trying to do classes there but I told them that actually even just a pool practice session would be tremendously valuable to the area.  I told them if they needed at least one person to be there I would commit.  

I will keep you posted!  :)
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