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  Washington Kayak Club
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Sea Kayaking Discussion

Kayaking in Baja
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Hi! Can anyone recommend a company to go on a multi-day kayak tour in Baja. Mexico (Sea of Cortez or Espiritu Santo island). We're a party of two thinking of going for Christmas. If you're interested to join to form a small group, that could also be an option... Thank you


Also agree Ginni's company is probably the best of the choices for Baja.
I've done

- Loreto to LaPaz
- Carmen Island
- Muleje to Loreto

All fantastic!!! Loreto to LaPaz was my favorite. Hoping to do it again this year or next.

Ginni's company is beyond amazing.
Hi! Can anyone recommend a company to go on a multi-day kayak tour in Baja. Mexico (Sea of Cortez or Espiritu Santo island). We're a party of two thinking of going for Christmas. If you're interested to join to form a small group, that could also be an option... Thank you

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