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  Washington Kayak Club
Fun and safe kayaking through trips, education, skill development, and conservation
HomeTrip Reports
Nisqually River Cleanup  2024
April  6, 2024

We wanted to thank everyone who supported or participated in the Nisqually River Cleanup that took place on Saturday, April 6, 2024, We also wanted to give you a recap of what occurred. This was our fifth cleanup of the river.

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Moonlight Rising  Over the Green River
Moonlight  Madness
February 23, 2024

A flotilla of  WKC members seek out a moonlight descent.

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Cispus 2024_02_04
Surfing at Pauls' : Cispus River Trip Report
February 4, 2024

Another Sunny Day on the Cispus River

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Nisqually River 70 Wave Day
January 25, 2024
By Michael Deckert

Looking for waves to surf and finding otters.

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Cispus River 2024_01_21
Cispus River Trip Report
January 21, 2024
By Michael Deckert

The group seeks out some beautiful winter paddling on crystal clear green water, framed by brilliant white snow and blue skies.

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Ice Day Play trip report
By Michael Deckert

Ice clings to the canyon walls and clinks against our hulls.

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A playful report on the Nisqually River Eagle Watching play trip.
By Michael Deckert

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A hot sunny July day playing and looping on the Lower Cispus River.

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A lowish water run (574cfs) down the Cispus River in the heat of the summer.

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Enjoying the Fourth of July on the Cispus.
July 4th,  2023


By Greg Provenzano
April 14th, 2022

I wanted to thank you for your support of the Nisqually River Cleanup that took place on Saturday, April 2, 2022 and give you a recap of what occurred. This was our third major cleanup of the river, following previous cleanups in 2018 and 2019. Now that the Covid-19 pandemic appears to be subsiding, we hope this will become an annual event

By: Michael Deckert
Photos by: Michael Deckert & John Stormon
Jan 1, 2022
Opening Day of Boating Season 2022

A chilly day dawns on the opening day of boating in western Washington. Freezing level drops to sea level. Snow coats the roads, steep snowy trails drop off into canyons, icicles cling to cliff faces, and ice rings surround boulders mid-river. Over-night low temperatures in the teens to single digits are an outlier for western Washington weather.

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By Michael Deckert
May 8, 2021
Cispus River - Throw Bags and Waterskiing

The throw bag arches over the river.  The rope unfurling behind leaving a parabola marking the trajectory of the throw.  As it drops over Gavin’s shoulder I congratulate myself on a perfect throw, even remembering to hang on to my end of the rope.  Not bad considering it’s been a couple years since my last practice throws.  Why am I now waterskiing?

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