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  Washington Kayak Club

Introduction to Whitewater Class

Sea Kayaking Trips

Looking for paddlers interested in the Broken Grou...
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This is the kind of trip I love. however my daughter plans to Habe a baby on 7/3, so
I have to stand by.     --- probably next year.


On Monday, April 25, 2016, David Ortland ( <> wrote:
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I am posting this for WKC member Phil Longden.  Please respond to him and not the forum if you are interested.
We have booked 4 nights accommodations in the Broken Group Islands at the Sechart Lodge for June 27th through the 30th. We will board the Frances Barkley ship in Port Alberni on Monday morning early and arrive before lunch at the lodge. After lunch we will have a few hours to explore the Pinkerton Islands before dinner. Tuesday through Thursday we will have 3 full days of kayaking in the Broken Group. The mileage we will make will depend on the winds. Less wind more miles. Hoping to get in 12 to 15 miles each day. Friday July 1st we can circumnavigate Robinson and Alma Russell Islands returning through Julia Passage. The islands provide good protection from the Pacific swell and winds.
The lodge provides basic double occupancy rooms with a sink but the washrooms and showers are down the hall. Breakfast and dinner are served banquet style in the dining room and your lunch is packaged for your kayak day trip ready to pick up after breakfast. They try to accommodate most diets.
A 50 foot throw bag is required in B.C. waters.
A passport or enhanced driver's license  is needed to cross the border.
You can contact Phil  at for more information.
Link to Kayaking and kayak rental:
Phil Longden
Going Green Trading LLC
Going Green Trading urges you to please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

I am posting this for WKC member Phil Longden.  Please respond to him and not the forum if you are interested.
We have booked 4 nights accommodations in the Broken Group Islands at the Sechart Lodge for June 27th through the 30th. We will board the Frances Barkley ship in Port Alberni on Monday morning early and arrive before lunch at the lodge. After lunch we will have a few hours to explore the Pinkerton Islands before dinner. Tuesday through Thursday we will have 3 full days of kayaking in the Broken Group. The mileage we will make will depend on the winds. Less wind more miles. Hoping to get in 12 to 15 miles each day. Friday July 1st we can circumnavigate Robinson and Alma Russell Islands returning through Julia Passage. The islands provide good protection from the Pacific swell and winds.
The lodge provides basic double occupancy rooms with a sink but the washrooms and showers are down the hall. Breakfast and dinner are served banquet style in the dining room and your lunch is packaged for your kayak day trip ready to pick up after breakfast. They try to accommodate most diets.
A 50 foot throw bag is required in B.C. waters.
A passport or enhanced driver's license  is needed to cross the border.
You can contact Phil  at for more information.
Link to Kayaking and kayak rental:
Phil Longden
Going Green Trading LLC
Going Green Trading urges you to please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

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