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  Washington Kayak Club
Fun and safe kayaking through trips, education, skill development, and conservation

Tsunami Debris

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I'll see you there Jose.  
The conditions are perfect for an introduction to the Pass: neap tide=low current flow, with flood in the morning and ebb in the afternoon. Good practice for paddlers adept at performing/being rescued (no roll required).  Come build your maneuvering and bracing skills, there is no better place to learn them.   We'll probably launch from Bowman Bay around 10am, ride through on the flood and circle around in the eddy (known as the Room of Doom, which will be more like a kiddie merry go round at these levels).  Lunch at slack, then more practice in eddies, eddy line crossing, and paddling up stream on the ebb.
 Please reply if you want to come.

alas, I am working all weekend.


From: <> on behalf of Jose A Reyes ( <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:22 AM
To: Tsunami Debris
Subject: DP SUNDAY! <<$148615318154$>>
I'm considering going to DP on Sunday 05/15 who wants to get wet!
I'm considering going to DP on Sunday 05/15 who wants to get wet!
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