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  Washington Kayak Club
Fun and safe kayaking through trips, education, skill development, and conservation

River Discussion

Helmet Recommondations
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I was out on the Sauk yesterday with some club members.

After an eddie monster flipped me in a rapid, I bump my head on the rocks as I was setting up to roll up right.

The first bump shifted my 20 year old helmet back and exposed my fore head a bit more than normal. The second rock rendered a 1 inch cut in the upper left corner of my forehead (near my hair line)...

Soo... Maybe it is time for me to get a new helmet... What do you recommend? I'm looking at amazon's selection. I wonder if a visor would have given me more protection? Maybe...

Incidentally, I've been kayaking for decades and this is not the first time I've banged my head on a rock... I've banged my nose and my eyeglasses in previous years. I've noticed that some folks have fancy motorcycle helmets that protect one's jaw... Hmmm... I've never banged my jaw... Do you think this jaw protection is helpful?


P.S. Incidentally, I did roll up yesterday (and previously when I bashed my glasses against an underwater rock 10 years ago). I was a bloody mess yesterday with a .75 inch cut in my fore head. After getting cleaned up, I checked with an RN and she recommended some butterfly bandages... Today I'm feeling fine...
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