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  Washington Kayak Club
Fun and safe kayaking through trips, education, skill development, and conservation

River Wood Hazards

Cedar River below Landsburg 3 mi wood forces all w...
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On Google map view the dry riverbed begins below the Cedar River trail bridge at the top of the lower green Dorre Don Natural area where there is a log jam. The dry bed spans the right curve in the river approximately 2295.17 ft (0.43 miles) down to the next bend. The river cuts straight left NW by 231st Pl SE around an island and rejoins below at the bend of the river. We saw 3 very large logs in the upper portion of the new channel. After bushwhacking we put back in below the logs about halfway down that channel at a second dry riverbed outlet. On Satellite view you can see the depression the river followed.
On March 1 three of us floated the upper Cedar River from Landsburg down. Just after the third railroad trestle, a pile of wood usually there has enlarged and pushed the water left where it downcut a new channel, and the main channel is compelety de-watered(leaving about a dozen riverside homes without a river). We scouted and then bushwacked thru the woods on the left, over logs and down an old side channel to rejoin the river about 100+ yds downstream. The rest of the side channel was clear. The remainder of the run down to Cedar Grove rd. had wood to dodge in several places but none required portage. Mike Grijalva, WKC Safety co-chair
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