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lower Cispus River Take-out Annual Meeting Minutes...
Renee Paradis

12 October 2021

Lower Cispus River Copper Canyon Creek Takeout Annual Meeting Minutes, Revised

Review of 2021

*A roadway counter has been installed. Using the cameras for counts will be gradually phased out, however they will continue to be used to monitor site conditions. FERC wants accurate counts to determine facility design parameters.

*Addressing comments to FERC, LCPUD will have a contractor scrape the organic matter from the roadway and in front of the sani-cans, and the surfaces will be re-graveled. Parking will not be addressed at that time. Mr Deckert noted that the roadway surface is fine, it is parking that needs to be addressed.

*LCPUD added a handicap sani-can and improved trash receptacle. LCPUD has a weekly inspection and maintenance routine. Trash has only been an occasional problem after weekends. LCPUD believes problems are created by locals and not boaters. (These items were added in 2020 but reported at this meeting.)

*LCPUD retained a consulting engineer to design the future improvements of the facility spring 2021. Sixty percent design comments are due on 15 Oct 2021. LCPUD has received two pages of comments on the main take-out site but no comments on the alternate sites. Drawings can be reviewed at

*LCPUD intends to provide a future picnic shelter. Design will be on the 90% drawings.

Looking ahead to 2022

*LCPUD’s schedule is to go to bid spring 2022 and perform improvements summer 2022. The take-out facility will be closed during the construction phase. Take-out closures will be noted on the website.

*LCPUD would like to hold the next meeting in April or May 2022, before construction work commences.

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