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Skagit River Recreational Flow Survey Announcement
Renee Paradis

Skagit River Recreation Flow Survey Announcement

Seattle City Light is conducting an online recreation flow survey for three river segments on the Skagit River. The recreation flow survey is part of a suite of studies associated with the relicensing process for the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project (Project). American Whitewater, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, and North Cascades National Park participated in the development of this study plan. The Project is licensed to the City of Seattle, Washington, and operated through its publicly-owned electric power utility Seattle City Light (City Light).

The purpose of this recreation flow survey is to gather information about recreation flow preferences for three river segments on the Skagit River along a 25.2-mile length from the Goodell Creek Boat Launch inside the Ross Lake National Recreation Area to Howard Miller Steelhead Park near Rockport. A map of the Skagit River delineating these three river segments is provided below (Figure 1). The river segments include the following:

• Goodell Creek Boat Launch to Copper Creek Boat Access Site (the S-Bends whitewater section) (8.7 miles);

• Copper Creek Boat Access Site to Marblemount Boat Launch (5.9 miles); and

• Marblemount Boat Launch to Howard Miller Steelhead Park (the eagle viewing section) (10.6 miles).

The online survey is best viewed using a computer screen. The survey will take approximately 15 – 20 minutes to complete. Question formats are not ideal for smaller screens such as mobile devices.

Skagit Recreation Flow Survey URL:

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Your input is greatly appreciated. Participation in the recreation flow survey is important to the success of the study. Please encourage others with knowledge of recreation flows in these three segments of the Skagit River to participate in the survey. The survey will remain open through September 2022.

For more information about the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project relicensing process please visit the Project relicensing website at For questions or comments on the recreation flow survey please contact Michael Aronowitz at Seattle City Light (

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