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  Washington Kayak Club
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Seven Rivers Challenge

Published on 11/6/2016

Seven Rivers Challenge

Stickers started to be distributed

- Kanako Iwata-Eng, 7RC Cheerleader


I have been lucky to paddle over 130 different runs since I started kayaking 5 years ago, but I hear many WKC members rarely go beyond our three “routine” rivers – Snoqualmie, Skykomish and Green.  Hearing the WKC Sea Kayak group launched the San Juan Seven Challenge, I came up with the Seven Rivers Challenge to encourage our members to run seven rivers that are less frequently run by our members - Nisqually, Nooksack, Sauk, Sol Duc, Stillaguamish, Wenatchee and White Salmon.  All these rivers have multiple sections including Class 2 or 2+. 


Since we started in April 2016, we had 17 7RC-eligible trips, and over 100 members received 7RC stickers, designed by a local kayaker and artist, Zeus Rudner.  I encourage you to join WKC if not a member yet, register to the trip marked “7RC”, paddle the river and receive a sticker.  When you complete all 7 rivers, you will receive the BIG 7 sticker.


If you do not see a trip you can go, why don’t you organize one?  If you are interested in organizing a 7RC trip, please contact our Whitewater Trips Chair 


Seven Rivers Challenge Program Outline:

  • You must be a WKC member and register to the trip online.
  • The seven designated rivers are the Nisqually, Nooksack, Sauk, Sol Duc, Stillaguamish, Wenatchee, and White Salmon.
  • No end date is set at this time.
  • You can run any fork/section of these rivers in any order. 
  • The trip must be a WKC trip posted in the WKC calendar. 
  • When a member registers online and participates in a club trip to a designated river, he/she receives a sticker (One per person per river). 
  • When a member completes all 7 rivers, he/she receives the Big 7 sticker.

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