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  Washington Kayak Club
Fun and safe kayaking through trips, education, skill development, and conservation

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Short Boat Surfing Fun

Published on 7/20/2018

By Hamp All

On the weekend of July 14 and 15 a group of Washington Kayak Club members spent two days at Hobuck Beach Resort on the Washington coast learning and improving surf zone skills in or on short, surf-specific kayaks. A group of WKC instructors who teach surf clinics for both surf and sea kayaks under the Fluid Moves banner led the clinic. During the weekend, several students made the transition from sea kayaks to surf-specific craft, most using Kaos Sit-On-Top surf kayaks loaned by the instructor group. Others came in their own high-performance boats looking to learn and practice high end surf play maneuvers like top turns, cut-backs, and faded take-offs. Everyone had a primer and practice on surf etiquette, surf zone safety and surf-specific rescues. Lots of fun was had and smiles were seen all around. For future surf zone and other training opportunities, check out the clinics offered for surf (long or short boats) and rock gardening at the WKC Luau August 17-18. Whether you’re interested in developing new skills or just sharing water time with other club members, come on out, play in the water and share in the fun! Be sure to sign up on the website!

Short Boat Surfing Fun

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