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  Washington Kayak Club
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Turn and Shaw Island

Published on 8/31/2019

By Tina Marie

August 16-18, 2019 group of 6 consisted of a blend of paddlers from BEWET, Washington Kayak Club and North Sound Sea Kayaking Association.

BEWET: Tina Marie and guest Mark Stewart

WKC: Tina Marie, Danny Boyd, Amy Harman, and John Bentler

NSSKA: Tina Marie and Alison Mackenzie

Mark, Amy and I all camped out at Washington Park Thursday preceding the trip where we watched an amazing sun setting over the San Juan Islands. Friday we launched near the Lopez Village on the end of the ebb. We crossed over San Juan channel to Turn Island were we camped at site 4. (Best site)

Once we set up camp we paddled over to Friday Harbor for dinner. While we were paddling out of Friday harbor we got to see 2 float planes take off at the same time and then we got to see 3 jets in formation fly bye. Once the sun set the bioluminescence came out in full glory entertaining us for a couple hours before heading to bed. Shockingly only one person seen a solo raccoon the entire time we were on turn. That is very rare.

Saturday morning we packed up and headed to Shaw on the Ebb. Once we arrived we set up camp and explored Shaw Island and John took a day-trip to Odlin. Mark and I went to the Shaw store. Found out that with advanced notice of our group arriving on Shaw they will have our food ready for pickup and give us a 10% discount on our order. That is a nice option to keep in mind.

Sunday morning we headed back to Lopez in time to catch the 10:45 am ferry.

We had an amazing trip. Weather was perfect and the group dynamics were outstanding.

I want to thank Mark, Danny, Amy, John and Alison for a wonderful weekend exploring San Juan's.

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