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Log Jams in the Dungeness River

Bob Metzer | Published on 5/17/2021

New Logjams in the Dungeness River

In the fall of 2020 the Forest Service and the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe constructed a series of logjam complexes in the Dungeness River approximately 1.5 miles below the Dungeness Forks Campground.  Thirteen logjam complexes were installed using a total of 130 trees with rootwads.  The project reach extends for about ½ mile. 

In spite of protests by paddlers, the Forest Service intentionally ignored specific mitigation measures in the Environmental Assessment to insure boater safety and maintain boating access through the project area.  The project area should be considered a MANDATORY PORTAGE for the foreseeable future.  At least two relatively extensive portages will likely be required.

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